Open Labs

NEW for Spring 2022!

Open labs are a great way to actively work on your resume, cover letter or interviewing skills in a small-group setting that is facilitated by ECS staff.

Each lab session is limited to 5-10 participants to ensure all students get great attention.

Resume Writing Open Labs:

To maximize this experience, please:

  1. Watch the Resume Workshop recording
  2. Have selected a internship, co-op or job posting of your choice that you would like to use as the focus for your resume draft.
  3. Bring questions

Lab Sessions:

Virtual Interviewing Skills Open Labs:

To maximize this experience, please:

  1. Watch the “Virtual Interviews” Workshop recording
  2. Review the STAR Method for Behavioral Interviewing
  3. Be ready to practice

Virtual Lab Sessions (zoom):

Cover Letter Writing Open Labs:

Coming soon!