First and Second Year Student Information
Sunday Feb. 2
CAREER FAIR PREP NIGHT for 1st-time Attendees
6:00-8:00 PM @ Rm. 1227, Engr. Hall
- All About Career Fairs: Featuring Student Panel @ 6:00-7:00 PM
- Building Your Engineering Resume + Handshake @ 7:00-8:00 PM
Monday Feb. 3
Building Your Engineering Resume: Featuring Sub Zero
6:00-7:00 PM @ Location TBD Engineering Hall
Drop-in Resume Reviews @ the ULC
7:00-9:00 PM @ Wendt Commons, 3rd Floor
Tuesday Feb. 4
Building Your Engineering Resume + Handshake
5:00-6:00 PM @ Rm. 1413 (Cheney), Engr. Hall
Wednesday Feb. 5
How to Navigate the Career Fair for 1st-time Attendees
12:00-1:00 PM @ Rm. 1413 (Cheney), Engr. Hall
Drop-in Resume Reviews @ the ULC
7:00-9:00 PM @ Wendt Commons, 3rd Floor
Thursday Feb. 6
Drop-in Career Advising
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM @ Rm. 1147, Engr. Hall
Building Your Engineering Resume + Handshake
4:00-5:00 PM @ Rm. 1413 (Cheney), Engr. Hall
Friday Feb. 7
How to Navigate the Career Fair for 1st-time Attendees
1:00-2:00 PM @ Rm. 1413 (Cheney), Engr. Hall
Getting Started with Career Success (canvas course)
Self-enroll here:
Course modules will be published throughout the semester to provide you with the tools and resources needed to :
- Gain knowledge about engineering majors and careers
- Build your internship/co-op search skills
Current Modules:
- Major/Career Exploration
- Career Readiness
- Utilize Your Handshake Account
- Resume Building
- Career Fair Information
- Interviewing
- Get Involved
- Workshops & Events
Online submission is now open for the Engineering Resume Book! Each semester ECS collects resumes for the career fair resume book that is then shared with attending employers as well as employers who are unable to attend the event. Submission is optional but recommended.
- Collection period: Tuesday 01/21 @ 8:00 AM CST – Thursday 02/06 @ 8:00 AM CST
- Submission Link: (UW Google Apps sign in required)
- Open to UW-Madison College of Engineering students only
Monday, February 10th & Tuesday, February 11th
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Engineering Campus
*Different employers each day*
Learn more about attending employers
Open to all UW Madison students and UW Madison degreed alumni
Student ID (wiscard) REQUIRED
Major & Career Exploration Resources
It is an individual responsibility to investigate majors and career fields in order to gather information to make an informed decision on which major is best for you and how to best apply that major to the world of work. It isn’t an easy task, but one worth the investment. Don’t fear making a decision. Careers are not linear, but can zig zag. Selecting a major does not define you as a person and does not “box” you in to a select field for the rest of your life. You are the sum of your experiences and can continue to grow, evolve, and change direction. Here are a few resources to get you started.
Intro to Engineering Course Presentation
The 30-minute presentation provides additional ways to explore majors and career opportunities.
A career exploration tool that has detailed descriptions of more than 1,000 occupations. Developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration, it’s free to the public, and contains resources for veterans.
A great way to learn from engineers about majors and their applications to careers – talk to engineers!
Here are some resources to help you set up and conduct an informational interview:
Meet with an Advisor
Matt Nelson
Schedule an appointment with Matt Nelson, Career Advisor @ ECS to discuss your major and career exploration plans.