Congratulations on your accepted internship or co-op offer. Below are the steps you will need to follow to report your offer.
Step #1: Report your offer in Handshake
- Login to Handshake via your MyUW
- Click on “Career Center” in the top navigation and select “Experiences” from the pick-list.
- Click on “Submit and Experience”
- Choose the Experience Type and Term that works best for you specific offer.
- After selecting the correct Experience Type, follow the prompts to submit the required information
Step #2: Offer Letter
After you have clicked “submit” for your Experience Report, you will see your overview page
Click on “New Attachment” to upload your offer letter (blue button on left)
Drop off your offer letter in the ECS office (1150 Engineering Hall)
Step #3: Faculty Approval Form
Please complete the following form(s) and return to ECS:
International students:
U.S. Citizen & Permanent Resident students:
After steps 1-3 are completed, to request internship/co-op course enrollment authorization. Please email Julie Rae at